Best Keyword Search Tool For YouTube

What do you know about video keyword research?

What’s the best keyword search tool for YouTube?

Maybe you’ve often wondered why some videos rank higher in search results than others for specific search terms.

And maybe you’ve wondered how to improve the ranking of your own videos on sites like YouTube.

After all you want more engagement, views and seo for small businesses

If so, you need to understand how important keyword research is prior to uploading your videos.

The exact algorithms that search engines like Google and YouTube use to rank videos are closely guarded secrets.

But there are a number of things you can do that will most definitely help with getting your videos found.
I will cover more of these elsewhere but one of the first things you should do is keyword research.
This finds out what search terms and phrases people are actually searching for.
Fortunately, there are a number of places online where you can do your keyword research.
The vast majority of these places offer keyword research for Google rankings, not YouTube rankings.
But YouTube is now owned by Google.
While you can’t assume that they use the same algorithm, it’s a fair guess that they will be converging as time goes on.
After all it makes sense to have content and videos together for the same keyword

I’m going to quickly run through some of the tools I’ve used in keyword research.

Let’s start with the YouTube suggested search result?
Type your keywords into the YouTube search box.

Make a note of the suggested keywords that show up in the drop down of suggested searches.
These are some of the most popular searches on YouTube.

Including these in your related video will help rank it and get more views.

Google Keyword Planner.

You will need a Google Adwords account to use the Google Keyword Planner.

It’s a good resource to use to find fairly broad search results for Google searches.

This tool is really useful when combined with Keyword Researcher which we’ll look at further on.

But it’s not particularly useful for researching YouTube keywords.

However you can use it as a starting point to see if it’s a popular term for YouTube videos.

You can sign up her for a Google Adwords account



VidIQ is an online resource that you can use to use specifically for YouTube keyword research.

It will also help you  to :

Optimise your video descriptions and tags to improve ranking

Analyse your competition and find trending videos

Discover what other videos your subscribers are watching so you can create similar videos.

You can even share your YouTube videos on Facebook so they play full size.

This makes the most of all those views on Facebook too and much more.

You can sign up for free and for more information visit


Morningfame is probably the best keyword search tool for YouTube you will ever need.

It is a paid tool, currently at $4.90 per month.

You need one subscription per YouTube channel.

Morningfame tracks your videos performance on a weekly basis and provides a ton of info about each video.

Also it has a keyword tool that relates to the strength/performance of your channel.

You’re provided with four key parameters – subscribers, views, likes and comments and relevance.

These relate to your ability to rank a YouTube video for your chosen keywords.

If the keyword is too difficult for you to rank it, offers useful alternatives that are easier to rank for.

You join by invitation only.

Morningfame’s main function is to track the views/subscribers of your videos. On the basic subscription you have 24 hours access to the keyword tool every two weeks.

For continuous access to the best keyword search tool for YouTube get the full subscription at $12.90 per month per channel.

This is the only YouTube tool that will accurately predict how well YOUR videos will rank for the keywords you’ve selected.

If you want to join just click this Morningfame link .


Ubersuggest is a rapidly improving free keyword research tool.

It provides:

Search volumes for your chosen keywords

Keyword suggestions

Related keyword suggestions

SEO difficulty rating

Paid advertising difficulty

Content suggestions

Find out more at


Keyword Researcher tool from Clever Gizmos

Keyword Researcher is an easy-to-use Keyword Discovery Tool.

Once activated, it emulates a human using Google autocomplete. Then it repeatedly types thousands of queries into Google.

Each time a partial phrase is entered, Google tries to predict what it thinks the whole phrase might be.

It simply saves this prediction.

When you do this for every letter of the alphabet (A-Z) you get hundreds of great Long Tail keyword phrases.

For full usage this is a paid tool but has a free version with limited access.

One feature I love about this program is that you can add all the question keywords.

These are the how to, how does, why do, are, when added to”your keyword”

It offers a lot more than that but I just love the keyword finding bits.

This is how you can come up with tons of ideas that will have viewers, but be easier to rank for.

It may not be the best keyword search tool for YouTube but it will give you a ton of ideas.

Find it at


Another one to try is Keywords Everywhere?

Keywords Everywhere is a full function keyword tool with a handy Chrome extension.

It’s a full featured keyword tool and delivers search volumes, values, suggestions etc.

It is well worth checking out but it is now a paid tool.

But at $10 for 100,000 keyword searches it’s affordable for most of us.

You can sign up here for Keywords Everywhere.

To Summarise

There are two types of the best keyword search tools for YouTube
1)    Google ranking based types – Google Keyword, Ubersuggest, Keywords Everywhere, Keyword Researcher
2)    Those that relate specifically to YouTube – VidIQ, Morningfame, YouTube Suggested

I normally start with Google based tools to build a list of potential keywords. I then take these keywords to Morningfamee to identify those that MY videos will rank for and finally VidIQ when I’m fine tuning my video prior to publishing on YouTube.

Yes, it can be tedious work. But as the princess looking for prince charming said “you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs”!!

This stuff works. The more you practice it the better your results will be. Gary Player the famous South African golfer used to say how funny it was that the more he practiced the luckier he became….

On a final note, over recent years I’ve tried out quite a few video makers/video editors. One of the most frequent questions I get is “what is the best video software?”. There’s no easy answer to that one.

But for long and short form videos of almost all types I use Vidnami. As a Vidnami alternative for short form (ads/promo etc) InVideo is without doubt the best and most economical.

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